Techy Teacher Tuesday: Graphing - Queen of the First Grade Jungle

Techy Teacher Tuesday: Graphing

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Hi friends!  I had to take a half day because my little monkeys were running fevers and had sore throats!  No worries- they are much better, and it is back to work for me tomorrow!

I am here to share a few ways that I am addressing graphing in my classroom this week- one of course involving technology!

The app is a Little Monkey app (I LOVE their apps):

Students can create their own graphs- like the simple one I made below.  This app like many other apps that I love has a feature-- it allows students to save their graph as a picture or email it. How cool! I really get a kick out of emailing stuff we do to their parents :)  This way when we get back together as a class ) can easily assess their learning/work!

The app also has a section that allows students to answer questions about the graph. ***Sidenote- I do wish there was a "Read to me" option, but for your higher kids, this is a perfect work station or center! I also plan on using this app as a teaching tool by utilizing my apple tv to show the whole class!

Now I did not forget about those of you that don't have the good fortune of having ipads!  I have a oldie but a goodie FREE download in my store:

And if you are looking for a more extensive packet I think you should check out Sandra's graphing packet that I am using this week too!

Now- I am excited to see what you have to share this week!

Guidelines for entering Linky Party:
1.  Link directly to your blog post, not just your blog.
2. You CAN use an older post, it just needs to be about something techy (whether for blogging or classroom advice).
3.  Have fun!

your photo name


  1. We've been doing a survey station at our school...this app looks awesome!

    Literacy Without Worksheets

  2. That app looks great! You have Apple TV in your classroom?! Is that the only way to get the iPad projected onto a screen for the students to see? I need to look into that. I have a projector and Promethean board. Thanks for the hosting this linky!
    Literacy Spark

    1. Jessica, there is something called Reflector that is on our iPads and computers that we use to project wirelessly onto our Smartboards. It is SO handy!
      :) - Lisa
      Growing Firsties

    2. Check out my blog for more information about displaying your iPad

  3. I have 3 iPads for my classroom and a projector. They sell an adapter (Apple 30-pin to VGA)that you plug into the iPad and into the projector. My students think we have a smartboard ;)

  4. Thanks for hosting, Katie!!!
    Would be an honor if you linked up to my Shout Out are one of my Shout Outs for Feb so even if you don't link up, would love for you to see the lub I sent your way. :)
    Hugs - Lisa
    Growing Firsties is hosting a Shout Out Linky!

  5. That app looks great! I'm sure my students would enjoy making their own graphs. Thanks for sharing!


  6. I love your blog Katie, thanks for letting us link up!

    Fonts 4 Teachers
    Fonts 4 Teachers in TPT

  7. This looks like such a great app! I stupidly posted my techy one this time I will wait 'til Tuesday and do this properly, I'm sorry!! :)

  8. Katie, Love your blog! I love the graph app you posted. This will be so useful in my kinder class.
    Kim @

  9. Hi Katie! Thanks so much for hosting this linky, I love seeing all the great apps!
    Science for Kids Blog

  10. Okay so this is where I can see this common core shift working :0)
    I am teaching graphs this week too in first grade so neat to be all working on the same concepts at the same time!!!!

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