July 2019 - Queen of the First Grade Jungle

Back to School with Frank

For years Amy and I have had requests to bring our Rooted in Reading units to upper grades. We thought Being Frank was the PERFECT book to try it out! 

If you haven't read Being Frank, you must find it! It is so unbelievably clever and hilarious. My favorite kinds of books are ones that have some hidden humor that allow adults to have a little chuckle too! 

Frank is SUCh a memorable character that he naturally lends himself to working on Character Traits. 

What Amy and I have done is allow you several different baby steps for learning how to analyze characters. We use this AMAZING short film (5 mins) Soar to help us out. 

Next up, we look at things that Frank does, says, and and thinks to help us learn more about him. 

And lastly we ask the kids to flip what they have learned and apply it to themselves.  They come up with a name for themselves- just like you see with the characters in Being Frank. 

I adore using picture books as mentor texts for big kids and I think that you will too if you try it out with Being Frank. You can find Amy and I's unit in her TPT store. 


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#KKingRecommended July Post

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Since I know some of you aren't on instagram I thought it would be best to start gathering up the book I recommend every couple of weeks. Soooooo here we go:

1. The King of Kindergarten
As your loved ones and precious students head back to classrooms this year, The King of Kindergarten is a perfect back to school book.   
Every one of our students deserves to see themselves in the pages of the books we read to our students. I love that the main character of this book is a a black boy. 

2. Words to Love By
Words have power. This book is an amazing way for children to see that good or bad, words have impact. 

The Wonky Donkey is a silly and hilarious way for kids to work on rhyming skills! I know my second graders would have been in stitches over the Honky Tonky Wonky Donkey. 

This book is a Writers Workshop MUST. It is the perfect book to help motivate students who think they don't have a story to tell. 

Ohhhhh Kwame Alexander, this book is SO perfect. It explains exactly who I feel about reading and I can't wait to read it to a group of wide-eyed children. 

Fireflies is another must for your Writers Workshop block. It a nostalgic take on summer time that adults will love. Students will see a perfect model of how to SHOW excitement and not just say it. 

Another one to get your students laughing their heads off? Yep, Piranhas Don't Eat Bananas is that book! 

I love, love, love this book. I think it's a fantastic example of a fiction story with facts infused in an interesting way.  I think students will love Misunderstood Shark! 

We LOVE a Jory John book in this house. Seriously, we may own them all.  That's What Dinosaurs Do talks about being tempted and having to work through those temptations. And Pete Oswald's illustrations are amazing as usual! 

Oh I just LOVE Dandy!  This book perfectly showcases the lengths a dad will go to for his little girl. It is hilarious and engaging as well! I can't wait to find just the perfect moment to use this one with students. 

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The Pigeon HAS to Go to School!

When Brooke and I saw it, we KNEW the latest Mo Willems' book was going to be a must for your first week of school. 

We tried to think of all the things that you would like on those first few weeks from a book. Through these fun and easy puzzles, your students will have a chance to connect.  The pigeon's anxiety serves as a perfect springboard for connecting to all kinds of emotions on the first day!

These simple but engaging STEM options will have your students giggling and creating from Day 1 in your classroom.

Brooke thinks of everything you need to make these challenges happen.

She even introduces simple machines to them through QR codes. Science the first week of school? Check! 
This amazing book allows you to jump right in to discussing author choices, text to self connections, and vocabulary.

If you snag it today (7/13 or 7/14) you can get it at 20% off. I can't wait to hear what you think! 
{The Pigeon HAS to Go to School!} Storybook STEM

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