July 2013 - Queen of the First Grade Jungle

Back to School Bash: Giveaway Extraordinaire

Can you believe it is time to....dare I say it...go back to school?!? That's right! Summer has come and gone, and it is time to get back into those classrooms, organize all of that supplies, decorate your space, plan some out of this world lessons to WOW your kiddos on those first few days back, and well...that leaves zero only a small amount of time for you. BUT...I have great news. Some of my best friends and I know a *little* something about how hard teachers work and how much blood sweat tears love we pour into our classroom each year.  So, we have been planning a little something {for quite a long time} to hopefully set you on the right track for your best year yet! 

For the next week {August 1-5}, we will be hosting a massive giveaway with some of our favorite teacher things. We have some amazing sponsors, and let me just say...people LOVE teachers, y'all. Each of the sponsors below were more than willing to support and give to such a sweet group of people. {Because we all know...teachers are the BEST!} 

Here is how this will all go down. Below you will find 17 amazing "Bash Baskets." One basket will be featured on each one of these blogs: 

All you will need to do is "hop around" to each blog and enter to win. You can make sure that you don't miss one single blog by looking for this little apple at the end of our post. If you keep clicking the apple at the bottom of each post, you will find all 17 Bash Baskets...which means 17 chances to WIN it BIG! 

How easy is that?!? While you are checking out some of the teacher swag below, be sure and give our sponsors a little love by following their shops {click the links}. I am telling you, you won't want to miss out on any of these amazing prizes. CHECK. THEM. OUT. 

Instagram and Twitter: @erincondren

Jennifer, the designer for JC Sweetpea Designs has also designed a special set of clipart to give to ALL of our sweet teachers. How cute are her designs?!? Here clip art is also all over our giveaway designs. :) 

Put a Case on Me (Facebook) and (Website)


Seriously? Are those not some amazing prizes? But that's not all. Each blog will also be giving away some of their best selling units. You will have to wait until the hop to see what each blogger will be giving away! 

Now, make sure you come back tomorrow {or anytime between August 1-5} to enter to win 17 different Bash Baskets! 

See you tomorrow! 


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Our BIG move and the winner of the Giveaway

I just wanted to take a minute and THANK you all for all the sweet comments about the blog makeover.  I hope that some of you will be contacting Parker for a blog update/start up soon! 


***Just because he is SO nice, he sent me a Discount Code for you all!!! It is LAUNCH2013 and it is for 15% off the regular price of a blog design!!!! Click on the picture above to see his site***


The last 72 hours have been a whirlwind.  We got to Kentucky (our former home) Thursday at 3:30 am.  Our purpose in the trip was to get anything we needed from the house (clothes, computer files, documents, etc) for life in Charleston.  We are leaving our furniture in the house for now as our house has not sold. Major Sad Face.

But do not fret! We buried our St. Joseph statue on Thursday, and everyone swears to us that this will definitely help us in getting rid, moving out of my parents’ home selling our beautiful home!

st joseph

Then today we loaded up my SUV with our things (let’s be honest 80 % of that car was full of teaching stuff) and headed to Charleston. 

first official day in charleston

We are currently staying with my parents.  I joke that they have lovingly agreed to accept two adults, one little boy, and a WILD tornado named Emmie.  Prayers that we make it through the next couple of months!

Now--- I know many of you came just to see who won ALL eleven of my Busy Teacher’s Best Friends.

The lucky winner is Allison Taylor!  Allison, I will be emailing you shortly friend!

winner of bt set

Along with unpacking all of our junk tomorrow and making a quick trip to the beach, I PLAN on finishing up my Second Grade Edition.  Plan being the key word ladies and gents.


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New Blog Design, Busy Teacher Bundle, and a Giveaway!!!

I have been SO crazy busy this week, that I haven’t had time to blog about my ***NEW*** blog design! 
I know I say it over and over again, but it is definitely worth saying again- the BEST part of blogging is the friends I have made. About a year ago Susan and I connected, and we have been blogging best buds ever since.
Susan even FLEW all the way to Kentucky to see little ole me.
photo (30)
Aside from Susan being SUPER talented, she also has an EXTREMELY talented counterpart by the name of Parker.
{He will probably be super embarrassed that I used his picture, but it definitely shows off how awesome he is.} 
I realized that I LOVED what Parker had done on Susan’s blog…Thank God It’s First Grade.
I think it is SO hard to create a blog design that is (1) Unique, (2) Pretty, and (3) Like-the-Author.
I decided that since these three qualities were what I wanted and knew that Parker could do them all, then he was MY blog designer!

So I filled out the form and he sent me this little number THAT night.
queen header

I die. He got me and what I wanted RIGHT away!  SO basically I love everything Parker did, and he didn’t complain once about the bazillion steam of consciousness emails that he had to interpret.

My favorite part?  He made this adorable banner for my TPT store!

long tpt banner pink button

So awesome, right?

Now after all this bragging about him, you all are sure to think Parker put me up to this, BUT he didn’t. I promise. I am so over-the-moon happy with what Parker has done to my blog that I just wanted to properly thank him with this gushing post.

If you want to get in touch with Parker, check out his site ***HERE***

***In other news, I BUNDLED all my Busy Teacher pack into one massive file on TPT.
ALL Busy Teachers pic Huge, right?
Well, I hope it helps get you all organized, because I get to do it all over again for Second Grade danggit! :)

Because I love you all, and I love giving things away—I am going to giveaway ONE of my complete sets to ONE lucky winner!a Rafflecopter giveaway Make sure you enter and wish me luck as my little family luck as we make our FINAL trek back to South Carolina with a packed SUV tomorrow!

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