Pure Exhaustion - Queen of the First Grade Jungle

Pure Exhaustion

Yes, Pure exhaustion.
We have been in school 9 whole days, and it feels like at least a month!

Things I can tell you about my students:
1. They are absolute dolls.
2. They are asleep for the first 30 instructional minutes of the day. Hopefully their little bodies will adjust soon!
3. Their entry reading levels vary across 4 different grade levels. 
4. They are an extremely compassionate group of children.
5. They L.O.V.E. the ipads.  Every last one of them.  (check out my next post for examples!)
6. They like to say "Mrs. King" no less than 3,000 times a day.
7. They are a very energetic and enthusiastic group of learners. 

I love my class.

To make up for the complete lack of posts this week- due to my 8:00 p.m. bedtime, here is a big 'ole mess of pictures of what we have been doing!

We have practiced what good readers do.
Just to make sure we all understood, we practiced what good readers DON'T do as well!
We began the groundwork for Literacy Centers and eventually Daily 5.

 Susan's fab unit!                                                     Cara's  Blast off!
As usual my bloggy buddies come to the rescue with great resources!

I will be spending a lot of time with my Daily 5 book this weekend to decide what my mini-lessons this week should look like!

By the end of the week we were doing two Math Work Stations in addition to our whole group math lesson. My absolute favorite time of the day!

 My favorite game to play on the SmartBoard
Since I knocked out their DRAs in record-breaking speed, I was able to start guided reading groups!
Ipads are so much help with follow up word work!

This app is a free one- Magnetic Letters! My kids really enjoy it (clean-up is way easier as well!).

AND by far my favorite and  most daring venture yet this year pictured below.

We always go on a Safari the first day of school to point out all the key places in the school and meet important people.  Since our first grade theme is Jungle, we look for our names on jungle animals.  The kindergarten students go on a hunt for gingerbread men!

Well I figured- why not jump into this 1-to-1 business head first?? We took our ipads with us and documented our school through pictures.

Next stop on the ipad journey- learning how to put these pictures into a presentation!

Hope you enjoyed seeing my first full week in pictures!

your photo name


  1. So cute! I hear ya on the exhaustion. I have ONE class iPad, better than non I suppose! Still trying to figure out how to best use it...
    Sunny Days In Second Grade

  2. I hear 'ya on the exhaustion...I'm beat by 8:00 pm and my firsties haven't even arrived yet! Can't imagine what next week will be like! I love your week in pics...looks like y'all had a blast! :)

  3. I love the walk/search around school. It's never too early to start planning for next year. :)

    You Might Be a First Grader...

  4. Wow, I couldn't imagine having an iPad for each student!! Awesome!
    A Cupcake for the Teacher

  5. I heart your post . . . what a fun week! It's super cool that you took your iPads on the hunt. You're so good, girl! Put your feet up a bit this weekend. You've definitely earned it :)

    Kelley Dolling
    Teacher Idea Factory

  6. Looks like it was fun ... as always, I wish you were closer so I could visit your classroom! You've definitely earned a relaxing weekend - thanks for the pictures!

  7. This is my first year with a smart board. What apps have you found that are great for smart boards?

    LOVE the pics by the way. My munchkins start Monday.

  8. I COMPLETELY understand the feeling. My school started on Monday and I don't remember ever being SO exhausted and forgetting so many things. I lost several things throughout the week and had absolutely no recollection of what I did with them. I was also trying to remember the first week of school of previous years and I really can't. I think I must erase it from my memory or something, but I'm with you, exhausting as they are, SUPER cute, fun kiddos. Enjoyed your post! I just posted a back to school freebie - come grab it!

    Tangled with Teaching

  9. Love all your pics and activities! Thank you for sharing them! We start school Monday and I am sure I will be super exhausted! Hope you get lots of rest this weekend! :)
    Crayons and Curls

  10. Oh, they look so cute and sweet. I'm so jealous of those ipads!

  11. I would LOVE to be able to use ipads in my class - I'm so so jealous!!

    Thanks for the links to the cute resources too! I've just started making resources, so to celebrate I'm having a giveaway (and there's a freebie pack on my blog too for everyone!) Hope you're having a relaxing weekend



  12. I love all the pictures! We start next week and I can't wait for the kids to arrive:)


  13. I am starting week three and I am also exhausted. I LOVE your blog! What is the game the children are playing on the smart board?

  14. Your iPads are AMAZING! I am trying to share one with a class of 26 firsties! OH MY!!! Just wanted to stop by and wish you a happy school year!

    Ms. Marciniak's First Grade Critter Cafe

  15. I hear ya on the exhaustion! Awesome that you got the kids using their iPads so quickly. I teach kinder and feel like we have a ways to go before they can do all the cool stuff with their iPads!



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