December 2012 - Queen of the First Grade Jungle

***New Years Sale***

I am SO excited to be bringing in the new year with a SALE with some of my friends!
 Thanks to the other Mrs. King for the graphic- isn't it gorgeous!
And just because I have some glittery digital papers, here are my January Centers again, BUT everything in my store is on SALE:
Happy New Years friends! I will be back soon with my Busy Teacher: January! Anyone want to let me borrow a few hours :) ?!?

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Brrr: It's Cold Outside Units: January Units Posted

It has been awhile since I have posted on this here blog, but I have been so, so busy enjoying my family and the holidays! 
Santa also brought this gal an iPhone- I know, I know- a little behind the times, but I am having a blast with my new apps (especially instagram!).
Want some evidence?? Of course you do!

I have been staring at this computer so long that I am seeing stars!  Tomorrow- I refuse to come near it :)
BUT it is so worth it, my Janurary Centers are finished!
Here are the Literacy Centers:
 Here are the Math Centers:
And here is the link to the combined set- ALL 184 pages (that makes me tired just reading it :) ):
Like with my December Centers, I made sure these were aligned with the Common Core Standards. I also tried really hard to give some new spins on some of the activities, as well as give examples for clarity!
P.S. I put these Centers and the rest of my store on Sale to celebrate the end of the year- 20 % off!


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Christmas Crafty Ideas


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Wordless Wednesday- Cutest Kids Ever


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Photos Galore AND Polar Express Day Essentials

I wrote on my facebook page that going back to school after the tragedy was the best thing for me.  I have never cried as much as I did this weekend- I cannot imagine what those families are going through. In the spirit of letting kids be kids and holding on to each small moment- I decided to really step it up this week for my kids (both biological and adopted through teaching :) ).

Emmie and I were invited to a tacky Christmas Painting Party this weekend.Don't worry- I don't normally wear bows- we were supposed to look goofy.

This is Emmie's idea of helping....

Her help- or lack there of- is probably why it looks like I painted all by myself!


Sometimes I forget how therapeutic art can be!

In that spirit I broke out the paint on Monday....I also seemed to have forgotten how basic first grade painting skills can be. 

 Here is my sample I did with them and here is one of my students' paintings....

We also made MAGICAL reindeer food!

And last but definitely not least, today was Grinch day.
Nothing like feeling like a giant next to a 6 year old :)

I don't always go this overboard with seasonal activities, but I decided the activities would distract my kids and myself enough not to think about the scariness of this weekend.  

We are also looking forward to Polar Express Day tomorrow!! Here is a list of my Polar Express essentials:

1. Bells

2. Believe Tags for bells
3. GOBS of Hot Chocolate

 5. Comfy pajamas and slippers

 6. A copy of the best book ever.

 7. Stephanie's adorable craft

 I hope you got some ideas for this week! Hugs friends!


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12 in 12 and a Freebie

I am jumping on the opportunity to celebrate 12 in 12 on 12-12-12 with Hadar and Kristin! LOVE those girlies!
My 12 favorite things! 

12. Favorite movie you watched:

I usually really dislike the movie version of my favorite books- not the case here. The movie people did a FABULOUS job. I.CAN'T.WAIT for the 2nd one.

11. Favorite TV series:

This is really the only "non-reality" show I watch. My reality show obsession is quite embarrassing, I know. 

10. Favorite restaurant:

Anywhere that serves sushi. I love it! Can't get enough of it. Eat so much I almost make myself sick every time. 

9. Favorite new thing you tried:

Teaching with iPads! I LOVE it.  My students LOVE it. Win-Win in my book. 

8. Favorite gift you got:

My husband and I gifted each other with a trip to Mexico for our fifth anniversary.  We never took a Honeymoon so this was an amazing experience for us.  Here we are in our private rooftop pool.

7. Favorite thing you pinned:

My playroom needs some major TLC. Pronto. There is always Christmas break, right?

6. Favorite blog post:

I LOVE looking back at this post and the memories made that night!

5. Best accomplishment:

Not because I have made tons of money, but because I am proud of myself for putting myself out there. Creating my own units and products has made me such a better teacher.

4. Favorite picture:

We lucked out with some gorgeous Fall leaves for our holiday pictures!

3. Favorite memory:

Anything involving my two darlings, is my favorite memory.  

2. Goal for 2013:

To be the best mommy I can possibly be to these two.

1. One Little Word:

I made my "One Little Word" a BIG word so I can stress how much I want to improve in this area. Patience with those around me and with waiting for things in life.  Yep- if I can work this out- a lot of other things will fall into place.

My 12 freebie  is my Number Detectives handout.  We used it today to analyze the number 12, but I leave it blank so you can use it over and over and over again!  Enjoy!


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*Fb giveaway*

If you haven't ever checked out my FB would be a good time to check it out :)


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*All Aboard the Polar Express*

Many of my memories growing up revolve around books. I was the kid who couldn't to go to the beach for a week because I could read a chapter book a day and there wasn't anything to stand in my way.

One my my favorite books to this day is The Polar Express.  I know many of you have had Polar Express days in your classroom for a long time. Well, I am jumping on board. :)

Although my day will be gobs of fun (complete with some moms delivering hot chocolate in costume), there is still learning that has to occur. So I have 3 math and 3 literacy centers/activities. 

Here is how I expect my day to go:

8:00 Kids enter with their train tickets (I think I may ask our principal to punch their tickets as the conductor).

8:10  Morning Work

8:30 Read the book

9:00 Respond to the book

 9:15 Literacy Centers and recording sheets.

 10:45 Math Whole Group

11:15 Math Centers

After lunch, recess, and specials we will come back in the room to watch the movie! I am planning on trying to do a craft too- I will let you know when my friend Stephanie gets the craft finished!

Like I always do- the unit is 20 % off today and tomorrow!


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