*Just Breathe* - Queen of the First Grade Jungle

*Just Breathe*

When I first started teaching there were...

*No Blogs


*No Pinterest

While I genuinely think that all of these things have made me a better teacher, I think they have their negatives too.  I think that many of us put pressure on ourselves to make everything PERFECT.  I think teachers by nature are perfectionists and when we see photos of other classrooms and teaching materials, we want ours to be just as *good.*  

*I think we owe it to all the people in our lives (families, friends, AND students) to take a break. A BIG Break. Like forget school even exists break.  

OF COURSE I have things on my list (that one that just keeps getting longer and longer), we will never get this summer again. Nash, Emmie, and Smith will never be this age again.

So I think we all deserve a deep breath, lazy days, and time with those we love, because Lord knows the stress will be there in August/September.

As for me?  This is what you will find me doing for the next two months!

your photo name


  1. Amen to that!!! This is a great reminder that it's ok to just enjoy life!!! Thanks!!

    The Daily Alphabet

  2. What a great post! Unfortunately I was unable to have kids, but this rings close to home. Enjoy and cherish these years...you can not get them back! You have a beautiful family and all the other things in life can wait! Thank you for keeping it real!!


    1. oh Christa! I hope you are getting some much deserved "you time" so you can pour yourself into your students come this fall!

    2. Great reminder--especially for those of us in year-round schools where the break is even shorter! Congrats on your new baby--enjoy! (BTW--has anyone ever told you that you look like the actress on Scandal who plays the First Lady?!)

  3. Perfect post! I recently retired and just looking at so many wonderful ideas, homes, families it is so easy to want to do it all. But your family is special. Thanks for reminding me.

  4. Thank you so much for this post, Katie! As I embark on my final graduate project to earn my Master's degree I was just talking with my advisor about this very thing! It can be a lot of pressure! And really our aim ought to be focused on our students' learning - not our outwardly 'perfection'... In th meantime, here's hoping all of us teachers can enjoy a little time to BREATHE this summer! I wish the same for you and your beautiful family!! <3

  5. Great post!! I always have to remind myself about not getting his time back with my children. Thanks for the reminder.

  6. I agree!!! It goes by so fast. My kids need me and my attention during the summer. We often are so busy during the school year (with open house nights, conferences, PTO nights, report cards, phone calls and just planning) that sometimes our kids don't get all the attention they deserve. They have to share our attention with 20+ other kids. Every summer I cherish time with my kids and remember what age my oldest went through things...knowing that my youngest will be there soon and I won't get that time back. I absolutely love my job and couldn't imagine doing anything else. I cherish time I get to spend with MY kids during the summer. Your family is beautiful. Enjoy every second of time with them. :)

  7. I agree!!! It goes by so fast. My kids need me and my attention during the summer. We often are so busy during the school year (with open house nights, conferences, PTO nights, report cards, phone calls and just planning) that sometimes our kids don't get all the attention they deserve. They have to share our attention with 20+ other kids. Every summer I cherish time with my kids and remember what age my oldest went through things...knowing that my youngest will be there soon and I won't get that time back. I absolutely love my job and couldn't imagine doing anything else. I cherish time I get to spend with MY kids during the summer. Your family is beautiful. Enjoy every second of time with them. :)

  8. I agree!!! It goes by so fast. My kids need me and my attention during the summer. We often are so busy during the school year (with open house nights, conferences, PTO nights, report cards, phone calls and just planning) that sometimes our kids don't get all the attention they deserve. They have to share our attention with 20+ other kids. Every summer I cherish time with my kids and remember what age my oldest went through things...knowing that my youngest will be there soon and I won't get that time back. I absolutely love my job and couldn't imagine doing anything else. I cherish time I get to spend with MY kids during the summer. Your family is beautiful. Enjoy every second of time with them. :)

  9. Smart lady! Time goes quickly...don't miss a second! :) Wendy 1stgradefireworks

  10. Yes, you have your priorities right where they need to be.....your beautiful family. My oldest son just graduated from high school this year and my younger son is entering 8th grade. I was just sitting alone on the patio last night watching the fireflies and I remembered not so long ago chasing those fireflies with my own two sons, laughing and enjoying the warm summer nights. It's different now and I miss those simple memories more than anything. Make those precious memories right now, they will be your treasured ones in the years to come!

  11. Love this post!!! Cherish your family and make lasting memories. Blessings :)

  12. I couldn't agree more...I've been on a 'break' for four years and loving every minute of it!!! Enjoy your time with your sweet family!

  13. May your summer be full of beautiful family memories!! The baby is so gorgeous! You will not want to tear away from that perfect baby face to do any work!!

  14. I love this post bc I totally relate! I took a break in January all the way to June, and have come "back" with a new sorta attitude about it all. My job right now is to focus first on family and myself and sometimes I just have to say "no." Can't do Instagram or blog every 2 days, etc. I try to still do what I can but I have definitely put a limit on it now. Good for you and enjoy your summer with your beautiful family!

  15. Amen to that. As much as teaching is a passion and a calling and something that I truly enjoy doing, at the end of the day, it is still just my job. As much as creating things for my kiddos and for TpT is rewarding and fun, at the end of the day, if it gets in the way of my family time, what's the point? So, here's a virtual high five. Thanks for the reminder to let it go and let it be perfectly imperfect. xo Love the pics of yur sweet family. So many blessings!
    The Whole Wheat Class

  16. Love it! It's perfect! Exactly what I needed today! Let's enjoy every minute!
    All the best!

  17. Katie, your post couldn't resonate with me more! I started this journey hoping to be better for my students and I often find myself overwhelmed by it all. I recently made the same choice as you, and I couldn't be happier. It's all about balance, right? Wishing you an incredible summer!


  18. Enjoy your break with your beautiful family!

  19. Good for you! Enjoy your time with your beautiful family.

  20. A to the men lady! You are so very right and I love you even more for the reminder <3

  21. I couldn't agree more! I think it's so refreshing to hear this from you, one of the "big" bloggers that I've followed for a LONG time. It's something that I have struggled with and definitely have to make the effort to remind myself of these things as well and enjoy my time with my 4 year old daughter because I will never get this time back. Well said!

  22. Yes. We need to keep priorities in check and take time for ourselves and our family. Enjoy the precious time with your little one.
    Grade School Giggles

  23. Enjoy your time with your kids!!! They grow up waaaay too fast!

  24. This post was right. on. time. for me! Thanks for the great reminder!!
    Very Perry Classroom

  25. Working hard to finish my Master's degree this summer because next summer that is me! :) She is due in October. ♡

  26. Wishing you a day full of happy thoughts and smiles!
    My site:xenangthanhbangcom

  27. Hope your day brings you as much happiness as a surprise gift!
    My Site:Rikvip


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