I will beg and plead for your forgiveness in regards to my lengthy absence at a later date, but for now I want to talk about packing and loading up our stuff!
As I loaded--one of many loads---out of my classroom into the back of my car, I thought of you all. Remember, I am moving? Yes, yes, in case you missed it- the Kings are moving to Charleston, SC.
My adorable husband thought I would just leave all of my classroom stuff here.
Let's pause to ponder the absurdity of that idea.
Does he not remember how LONG it took me to find all those bins that matched??? Oh right, he was only half way listening.
Anywho, I thought of you guys because decorating my classroom is one of my favorite things I do each year!
So if you are thinking ahead to next year, you may be interested in one of my Classroom Decor sets.
Tomorrow I officially close my classroom so I will be back with a REAL blog post on Wednesday!!!