March 2014 - Queen of the First Grade Jungle

Kindergarten Busy Teacher and other Resources for K!

Stacey is way more on the game than I this go around. April is in the store and discounted tonight only!

There is OVER 100 pages of goodness in there! I will definitely hop back in later this week to show you how Nash and Emmie use the Busy Teacher.

I also wanted to remind you about two more resources that might work for your Ks!  This Final digraphs unit might be a stretch for some, but some kids would definitely be ready for it!
P.S. I think that Final Digraphs unit is one of the prettiest units I have!

Next up is my beginning of the year 1st grade work station pack, but from what I see coming home with Nash- some of your Ks are ready for it!

Now it is off to the gym, soccer practice, and then out to eat for my sister's birthday--- think I can sneak a nap in there anywhere?!?! 

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St. Patrick's Day Stuff: Freebies, a Giveaway, and a Last Minute Lucy *Sale*

First of all, thank you SO much for all the love on my Math Work Stations Post.  I poured my heart into that post, and it thrills me that so many of you read it!  I will be back with my second post on Wednesday to show you how I organize my centers. 

Eeeeek!  Finding yourself needing last minute St. Patrick's Day materials?

Busy Teachers are great for that!  I went ahead and discounted ALL my March stuff for 20 % off today!

My centers will be in action in my classroom for several more weeks since there is Easter and Basketball goodies in there!!!

I also have links to a couple of resources that you may need for tomorrow!  
The second one is from Denise at Sunny Days
I will be using Denise's Addition Bump for sure!

Lastly,  hop on over to Blog Hoppin' to enter a sweet giveaway!


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Math Workstations PART 1: The WHY

Ever wonder why I started this here blog?!?  Back three and a half years ago when I first started, it was all about reflection for me.  I have always been one who thinks better when I write.  

My blog makes me a better teacher.

I have a confession.  I let workstations slide over the last month or so.  

No good reason.  

Except that it is easier to stay whole group. OUCH! That is hard to admit.  But it is true.  This year I have worked SO hard on shaping my ELA and Writer's Workshop just the way that I want it that sometimes by math time I am exhausted and don't give it the effort that it and my kids deserve.  

Well that is changing RIGHT now. 

I planned out my week so that we could take our measurement test yesterday and review routines and rituals for Math Workstations today so we could get those bad boys ROCKIN' and ROLLIN' again.  No more excuses.

Need convincing in order to join me on this journey?

Here are my top 5 reasons why you should try work stations.

1. Number sense, number sense, number sense.
I really don't think you need numbers 2-5 after you think about this one.  I don't know a math teacher that doesn't wish their kids had better number sense.  It is the basis for everything.  Our kids rely on the PROCESS way too much.  When they really GET numbers, they shouldn't have to memorize routines.

2.Every kid is accountable.
My kids work in pairs.  There is no lally-gogging, bumps on a log, daydreaming, whatever you want to call it.  EVERYone works.  I do not, repeat do not, put my high kid with my low kids to help them out.  In my opinion this is a huge no-no.  Here's my reasoning, all too often the low kids just copy or the high kids do it for them.  I stick low with low, high with high.  This way the low kids are not intimidated and if need be I can tailor the work just for them.  The high kids challenge each other to try out new ideas or improve their automaticity. 

3. Small group reteach or acceleration.
I have worked it out so that the four kids that come to me during each station have relatively the same needs (I will explain this better next post, I promise).  This way I can tailor my instruction to exactly what they need.  This means that two pairs of kids come to me at a time.  That means that there are 8 other activities are going on around the room *quietly*.

4. Work Stations are fun.
What kid doesn't like games?!?!  Now- I intentionally don't call them centers.  They are WORK stations because the kids WORK the whole time, but they are still fun and kids learn through play.

5.  We need to reach them ALL.

I promise you.  If you are only teaching whole group, there are kids who are hiding.  I've seen it this month.  The kids who follow along well but don't REALLY get it.  We owe them the chance to explore with numbers. We owe them the chance to ask questions in small group.  We owe them the chance to REALLY get it.

Did I convince you?

Are you saying okay, okay, now what?

I've got you. :) Well at least soon I do. 

I decided to break this post into several different sections because--well it's Friday and we are all tired. No really.  It would be way too long for one post!  I will be back soon with a post on organization with tons of pictures!

For now, here are links to some(?) of my Math Work Station packets on TPT:


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Spring is in the Air!

It's here! It's here!  It's HERE!  That heavenly time of year in the south....not too hot....bugs aren't crazy yet....beaches aren't packed....SPRING!

Now don't get me wrong, our temps are still occasionally dipping into the 50s and we have a fair share of rain, but those oh-so-glorious sunny and 70 days are Heaven Sent!

Need some photo evidence???

Nash started soccer last week!

This here might be my most favorite place on the planet---Shem Creek!  If you haven't visited Charleston and had a beverage on the water looking over Shem haven't experienced life. I kid, but really- get on it!

 Not really springy since it's indoors, but LOOK at this adorable party we had for Emmie! My little artist was in Heaven!

Well with all that springy-ness, I thought of my Spring Centers. Some of my prettiest centers I have ever made!

I have decided to giveaway a few sets on my facebook page!  What in? Head on over!

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Gang's all here folks: Kinder Busy Teacher posted!

LOVE that feeling when all three grade levels are complete.

...and then two seconds later I start to worry about next month. HA!

Kinder version is THIRTY percent off today and tomorrow! Enjoy!


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